Nobody puts Cork in a corner

One of the best things with avoiding touristy places and just take a bus somewhere is that you will find cool things outside the guidebook. We found such a thing in Cork. Cork is the second most populous city in the State and the 16th most populous area of local government and Corkonians often refer to the city as “the real capital” because of the role it had in the civil war.
Here in the south-west parts of Munster we found one of the coolest live music experiences in a pub. It was not the greatest musicians but it was a familiar approach because they sat in a corner (no stage) and played in the middle of everything. Once in a while somebody in the audience jumped in and sang. Really cool and different (for us).
This was overall not the biggest pit stop but it is a reminder of how curiosity and spontaneity creates opportunities.


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Speaking of Cork it is always nice when people play with the card they got in their hands, like this B&B. 20121228_173040
Well it was a stationview indeed.

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